Cloos 8-key


LePlus Melodié #14 - Adagio

George Cloos, NY  serial # 6532.  8-key Meyer-type flute in Ebony with Ivory head. The flute is marked H.P. (high-pitch) which in this case is not English high-pitch, but is just meant to differentiate it from L.P. (low pitch) which would be around A=435. This instrument plays well at A=440 and could play slightly higher as well - but not A=458. Condition is quite excellent. The head joint has 2 small, old cracks which were either repaired or had never really opened up. The embouchure is quite interesting being a more square/Viennese design. The flute has a big sound and works very well throughout its full range. A very nicely crafted flute in excellent condition. Original case

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© Michael Lynn, 2014, 2015, 2016 - some of these flutes are available for purchase - please contact me for further information - the Modern Copies are not for sale