Original Flutes
Collection of
Michael Lynn
Site Navigation
American Flutes
E. Riley
Firth, Hall & Pond
Firth, Hall & Pond II
Geib, NY 4-key
Meecham, 1-key
stamped L. Lot
William Hall & Son, NY 4-key
English Flutes
Anon 1-key, 18th Cent
Anon 6-key Piccolo
Clementi & Co. 4-key
D’Almaine & Co. 8-key
Goulding D'Almaine 1-key
Goulding, London 1-key
Goulding, London 4-key
Kusder, London 1-key F Flute
London Improved, B-flat 5-key flute
Monzani, London 8-key
Proser, London 1-key
Small Flutes
Stanesby Junior? Pic
William Milhouse, London 8-key
William Milhouse, London, 1-key
French Simple System Flutes
Buffet Auger, Paris 5-Key
Buffet Crampon & Cie - 10 Key
Buffet, D. Paris, 4/5 key
Drouet, Louis
Early French Flageolet
François Noblet
Godfroy Fils F Flute
Godfroy, Claire
Holtzapffel 6-key
Jerome Thibouville-Lamy 5-key
Jerome Thibouville-Lamy Flûte Perfectioneé
Maison Souchette, Anger
Noé Freres 1-key
Noé Freres 1-key II
Noé Freres 6-key
Raver 5-Key flute with matching 4-key piccolo
Sautermeister, 6-Key
Tabard 6-key
Tulou, Jean 7-Key
Tulou, Jean-Louis 6-key piccolo
French Boehm Flutes
Albert, Eugene. Brussels - cylindrical Boehm
Albert - pre restoration and during restoration
Buffet Crampon & Cie - Conical Boehm
Buffet, Auguste juene - conical Boehm, 1838-9
Chaplain - conical Boehm
Claire Godfroy, Boehm #1005
Djalma Julliot
Djalma Julliot (Mignolet)
Djalma Julliot 2
Eugene Thibouville
French 1832 System Fingering Charts
Jerome Thibouville-Lamy concial Boehm
Lot, Louis. Paris - conical Boehm
Lot, Louis. Paris, Silver Cylindrical
German Flutes
"The Bismarck"
Anon 5-key F Flute
Anon 6-key Flute
Anon Viennese 11-key
C. G. Zencker
Max Kneer
Mönnig, Leipzig
nach Meyer 11-key
S. Koch 8-key
S. Koch Jr.
Modern Copies
Flutes - Modern Copies NFS
A. Glatt - Hotteterre
A. Glatt - Rippert 2
Boaz Berney - Naust
Folkers & Powell T. Lot
Martin Wenner I.H. Rottenburgh
Marvin Renaissance Flute
Tardino Renaissance Flute
Wenner Oberländer
Wenner Palanca (and original)
Recorders - mostly NFS
Boudreau Ganassi Alto
Bressan - Martin Wenner
Coomber Soprano
Dolmetsch Bass Recorder
Dolmetsch Soprano #1
Dolmetsch Soprano #2
Dolmetsch Soprano #3
Ehlert Soprano
Marvin Bassano Alto
Marvin Medieval Sop
Marvin van Eyck Sop
Netsch Heitz Alto
von Heune Bressan Voice Flute
von Heune Denner Alto
von Heune Rottenburgh
von Heune Stanesby Jr.
Sold Flutes
S. Koch 9-key
Buffet Crampon 6-key
Cloos 8-key
William Potter, London
Anon. F Flute
Peloubet F Flute
Helwert - 11-Key
William Hall
HY Potter F Flute
Conn Howe "Wonder Flute"
Key Rudall b-flat band flute
Unmarked 4-key
Bass Band Flute, England, c.1906
Peloubet, 8-key
Cameron H. Grenser
Firth, Son & Co.
Bürger, Conical Boehm
Links, articles, etc.
Embouchure Dimensions
Site Map
Netsch Heitz Alto
Rudi Netsch - Heitz Alto at a=415, snakewood and ivory. NFS
© Michael Lynn, 2014, 2015, 2016 - some of these flutes are available for purchase - please contact me for further information
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