Instrument: 1-key flute in D, stained boxwood with brass key - c.1808
Maker: John Meacham, Jr. Albany, NY (1785-1844). From 1806-1810 he made instruments as MEACHAM JR. / HARTFORD. In 1810 he moved to Albany. In 1801 he began working with his brother as I. & H. MEACHAM. In 1827 on the death of his brother he changed names to MEACHAM & Co. Soon he joined briefly with Sylvanus Pond and formed MEACHAM & POND
Pitch: A=425
SL: 536mm
Notes: This is a very interesting flute. When I first saw pictures of it, before buying it, I thought it might be an mid-late 18th Century English flute. When I first played it, without yet knowing the maker, I still thought that likely. I was certainly surprised when on close examination I discovered it was by 19th century American maker, John Maecham. I suppose the flutes low pitch might influence my sense that this is in a very early style. I look forward to trying similar instruments to see if they have a similar character.
Demonstration recording:
I normally try to match the example music with the time period and country, however, in this rare case I find it worth doing some demonstration on baroque repertoire as well as later music.
Leclair - Sonata I from the Second Livre - Adagio, Allegro ma poco, Sarabanda-Largo