Ziegler, Vienna
Unmarked 11-key flute in Viennese style. I have recently seen an identical flute marked Ziegler so I think his name can safely be added. The quality of the keywork is really superb. Of all my flutes I think this flute has the best key-work. Very delicate, moves very freely, and has the wonderful shell motif in fashion at this time. Note the incredible turning to produce the places where the metal mounts attach to the flute.
Another exciting thing about this flute, that differs from every other flute in my collection, is that we know this was owned by C. Koppitz. There are actually 3 Koppitz who were well-known flutists. As luck would have it, 2 of them have names that start with C - Christian and Charles. Christian (1829-18610, originally from Hamburg, spent 6 years of his carer in San Francisco and played with the very well-known Germania Society. I suspect the this flute belonged to Christian.
Charles was mostly in Boston and directed music at Selwyn's Theater and was music director of the George Christy Minstrels. I believe he was also a member of the Sousa band. If anyone has further information on either C. Koppitz, I would love to know about it.
This flute was restored by Kelly Roudabush and Matthew Slauson.