Instrument: Cylindrical Boehm flute in C, Silver plate
Maker: Florentin Barbier, Paris c. 1875. Barbier was active from 1868 to 1910. The makers mark on this flute does not contain any of his award listings, which he started listing on his stamp after winning the Paris "Médaille d’Argent” in 1878. Barbier is perhaps best known for his flute design which features a square bore. In 1910 his company was taken over by Selmer, Paris.
Pitch: A=440 pulled out slightly (the head has bee shortened a bit)
Sounding Length:
Total Length:
Embouchure size:11.2 x 12.7
Restorer: David Chu
Notes: This flute was purchased for the previous owner in Paris in 1950. It has litterally been in its case, unplayed since that time. Amazingly, it is in quite good playing condition without any work. The flute has now been restored by David Chu and he reports it is in completely original condition excepr that the head joint has been cut slightly to raise the pitch. Everything including all the spring are pad washers are original and there is no evidence of any repairs. The flute plays extremely well. Sliver plate is virtually perfect. There is a little wear on around the hole of the D key but otherwise it seems in pretty much new condition.
An interesting design element is that the upper part of the flute has larger than normal holes. Perhaps this adds to the wonderful openness of sound this flute has.
Demonstration video: